Recent Updated News: As additional details of the Mitel RingCentral acquisition emerge from our partners, we will continue to update our news feed here. Or if you need immediate support, please reach out to one of our cloud procurement specialists.
If you’re using Mitel’s MiVoice Connect PBX or Mitel MiVoice Connect Contact Center for your business, then you know how important it is to keep up on release notes and news about these systems.
Mitel release notes and bulletins include information about:
End of sale product announcements
Deskphone firmware updates on series releases & compatibility
New features and functionality additions or improvements
Compatibility issues with hardware, gear, servers, etc.
Integration enhancements, additions, or being phased out.
As a Mitel Platinum partner, we attend regular Mitel Partner forums and webinars hosted by Mitel engineers and those in product marketing. During these events we get access to upcoming news related to Mitel MiVoice Connect and Connect Contact Center so we’re aware of what’s coming down the road.
But we want to be able to share these updates with you so you too can be up to date on such newsworthy items that could potentially impact your own decisions by those in your leadership and IT departments.
We do not share confidential information, but only what is public-facing.
Here are the various ways you can keep up to date.

Ask Your Mitel Partner When You Think About it
This seems rather obvious, right? If you want to know what the latest news is then you go to your partner. Let’s stop right there. Not all partners are created equal and some just don’t keep up on these things. We fortunately do, but we’re not like other partners.
Plus, if your support partner isn’t actively keeping you in the loop on these matters with newsletters, phone calls and emails, it is up to you to reach out and contact them and hope they have the answer.
Get Alerts about Mitel MiVoice Connect Updates Through Our Newsletter
This is our favorite of the three options.
We’ve made it easy for our customers by alerting them via our company newsletter.
If you’re not a customer however, don’t worry you can also sign up for our email alert newsletter that we are releasing on a Quarterly or as-needed basis. You can sign up right here and we’ll be glad to shoot out notifications to you and your team.

Visit the Mitel Website & Happy Searching…
You can also visit the Mitel website directly and use your own Mitel portal login credentials. This sounds easy enough until you find yourself lost in a myriad of pages that you don’t have time to sift through to find what’s relevant for you and your system.
What do we recommend? Make life easy on yourself and join our Mitel Release Notes and Alerts notification newsletter and we’ll give you a heads up when important releases come out relevant to Mitel MiVoice Connect PBX and their MiVoice Connect Contact Center.
Not Getting Enough Out of Your Current MiVoice Connect Partner?
As mentioned above, not all partners are created equal.
That’s not to say anyone is a terrible partner, but the honest truth is that some partners are more focused on the sales side and not the support side of the partnership. That’s not bad per se, but we don’t follow that model.
We want to educate our customers and provide a level of personal consultation and advisement that helps them in the long run. Our customers appreciate this level of attention and that’s why they rely on us for information and guidance they can trust.
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