Video Transcription
Chris Frey:
There's obviously a lot of similarities in what we do today from an operational point of view. There's some stark differences though as well so I guess first let's talk about the operational stuff. We still have a team of professional services people that include project managers and technical account managers, the TAMs, Technical Account Manager that is, these are individuals that previously would've done support and implementation and low voltage cutovers on the heritage ShoreTel product line.
They're now cross trained to work on various cloud systems with the heavy emphasis on RingCentral. They're the same types of people that you probably had experience with before, and they handle the human element of things, but since we are not specifically responsible for the underlying architecture we rely heavily on RingCentral and we have resources at our disposal to help with these implementations.
It's definitely more of a co-delivery approach between their organization and ours. The sales side of things is a little bit different. In the past, we sold one product, it was the ShoreTel system, we would roll in with our demo kits and show you the equipment on site and really, we were just focused on selling you that one particular solution.
In this day and age, we do represent multiple brands, RingCentral being a prime component of that. And our sales team spent a lot of time focusing on discovery and really helping customers go through a proper evaluation so that they can get from one end of their need to the other. And along with that, we're able to provide a very in depth summary and phasing of how their new solution might work.
I would say there's obviously a lot of similarities, a lot of differences. I would say the one thing though, that is probably the biggest difference is the relationship between us and RingCentral. The three other gentlemen on this call are part of our channel program and the people that we rely on, on a daily basis for information and assistance all for the benefit of our clients.
We definitely have a stronger relationship there at the channel end of things, not just on the sales end, but also operationally with this group.