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In this Mitel Minute Update provided by your favorite Mitel Partner, we will be addressing the latest notice regarding the end of life announcement by Mitel for the ShoreTel Connect Mobile mobility app.
What this Means
EoL stands for End of Life. For users that have the legacy version of “Connect Mobile - ShoreTel Mobility Client” installed on their mobile devices, this means that Mitel which acquired ShoreTel last year will no longer be supporting or providing updates for the app.
What to Do
Users will need to upgrade their app by downloading the new app called Mitel Connect Mobile from either Apple or Google Play’s app store on their Apple or Android device respectively.
You will need to provision the new app and remove the older version. Contact your IT support if you are not sure how to do this.

What to Expect
You will notice changes between the two apps. They are not identical.
As you’ll see in the bulletin, Mitel states, “…key features from the legacy ShoreTel Mobility Client having been migrated into the latest version of the (newer) Mitel Connect mobile client…”
That does not mean all previous features have migrated over. Mitel has provided information on their site that explains what was and was not migrated to the newer app.
Please review these so any users that have the legacy ShoreTel mobility app will not be confused or surprised by the changes.
Use the links below for the operating system your mobile device uses:
iOS - https://oneview.mitel.com/s/article/Mitel-Connect-for-iOS
Android - https://oneview.mitel.com/s/article/Mitel-Connect-for-Android
This information is based on bulletin PB2018Aug1D provided by Mitel to their Partners. Permission was granted for use.You can view it here: PB2018Aug1D_Shoretel Mobility Client End of Life Notice_080118_EN (1).
If you have additional questions, or are looking for a reliable Mitel/ShoreTel Partner, please contact us using our contact form or call us at 877-328-7767.
*This information was provided to us from Mitel through their Partner communications network. This information is accurate at the time of publication however is subject to changes at any time. Contact your Mitel rep for further details.